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Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory Source Code [Aug 12, 2010, 5:14 pm ET]

Robag's picture

The id Software FTP directory offers a little QuakeCon gift from id Software, as it now hosts the public C source code for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer (all direct links), which are all available under the GNU General Public License. These source releases contain no game data, so a retail copy of Return to Castle Wolfenstein will still be required to access assets from that game, while Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is free, and still available through Splash Damage. In each case the game’s EULAs are still in full effect. The source downloads are mirrored on where they also have the read me files for Enemy Territory, RTCW single player. and RTCW multiplayer. Thanks Frans.

zen it up


Fuzz's picture


Wunderbar! Was kind of hoping RTCW Multiplayer would be free too. That would have been fun.

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